Would you like to avoid chronic diseases, keep your family healthy and discover healthcare that actually works? This week you have the opportunity to listen to the Evolution of Medicine Summit FREE . Starting Monday September 21 - 28, 2015 at 10AM (USA Eastern Time) each day you'll hear from doctors and health professionals who are making a difference. Today, our healthcare system works well when you have an emergency, but to treat chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer, we need to reinvent healthcare to help you live a longer, happier and healthier life. Change the current system of disease care to true healthcare. The Evolution of Medicine Summit is FREE and online. Register to attend . Chronic diseases could kill 52 million per year… Plus, the summit will introduce the very first affordable, ACA-compliant alternative to health insurance, Liberty Direct! WHY ATTEND? With 30+ presentations that give you information to effectively ...