Look What I Discovered on My Way to the Juice Bar
I'm all about healthy foods that are closest to the real thing. That is, fresh from farm to fork with little stops in between. But now and then we need a little help from our friends who are dedicated to creating foods that contain healthy ingredients, nothing artificial, no or little sugar and are minimally processed. The other day I stopped by our local Nugget Market for a fresh juice and passed a very animated, energetic and inviting food vendor. "Start your day with love," said Maddy holding up a sample cup filled with strawberry-colored O's. I whooshed by to order my juice, but returned to chat while sipping my yummy nectar of vegetables (kale and spinach) with grapefruit, lemon and apple. "They're made with beans—navy beans, lentils and garbanzo beans." Now that's a wallop of good stuff that will stick to your bones . Maddy went over the ingredients and talked about Home Grown Foods the company behind the healthy breakfast cereal. Home Gro...