Happy Valentine's Day, Dear Readers! Valentine's Day is a day to show our sweethearts we care with gushing cards and gifts of chocolates, roses, teddy bears and even pajama's (or a sexy equivalent). But what about the rest of the days of the year? I'm always amused when I happen to visit the grocery store on Valentine's Day and see those well-meaning, yet befuddled guys, standing in the quick-check line with the leftover offerings for Valentine's Day. Yeah... I know. It's the thought that counts. I'm more of a realist than a romantic. My husband is the romantic. However, I'm more impressed when I see him donning a tool belt to go fix the fence that started leaning after the last rainfall. That kind of action (not in his nature) means more to me than anything he could bring home for Valentine's Day. I like to think he appreciates that I really don't like to plan, shop and cook meals (yup... that's right!), yet I know he works hard and de...