
Showing posts from February, 2014

Exercise: Begin Now & Keep Moving

Exercise is one of the four roots of optimum wellness , but too few of us treat exercise as important for health. How many tell themselves they are too old to start exercise— that's for young people . Well… tell that to Olga Kotelko , who, at 94, began exercising at the age of 77 and hasn't stopped. She is so into exercise that she competes in senior track and field events and has amassed a collection of 200 medals. Exercise is a key part of a healthy lifestyle. Along with diet, sleep and attitude it's a root to good health. Exercise contributes to being and staying healthy. So what motivates you to get out and exercise? For me, its knowing I feel so much better when I exercise. My main source of exercise is running. I really don't like running, but I know its a quick way to get exercise with the most benefit. I currently run at a small lake about a mile from my house. The residents keep it interesting—copious Canada geese, a few mallard ducks and groups of coots are v...

Wisdom Wednesday

Tip: For Valentine's Day, don't fall for chocolates that are loaded with sugar, which contributes to the risk of dying from heart disease . Love your sweet heart by making them healthy, yummy chocolates for Valentine's Day: Red Velvet Chocolate Squares Recipe

Tabouli Salad

Fellow clean eater , Jennie Zraick , often comes up with some simple and delicious recipes. She recently responded to a request to post her Tabouli salad recipe. Like me, Jennie needed to measure out the ingredients since she normally eye-balls the ingredients in true KISS fashion. The Tabouli salad can be modified to your taste, so feel free to experiment. A key tool she swears by is the multi-blade scissors. It makes quick work of chopping up herbs making it her favorite kitchen tool. Here's a link if you want to purchase one: multi-blade herb scissors . This recipe uses a whole bunch of parsley . You'll see the value of the multi-blade scissors if you end up chopping it with a knife like I did. Parsley is the main ingredient for this salad. It's a great cancer-fighting food, high in antioxidants, rich in vitamin C and alkalizing in the body. Next time you find a sprig of it sitting on your plate, don't discount this herb as decoration. It's REAL power food. Eat...